
Santa Maria de la Paz Catholic Community

Santa Fe, NM

About Us

Mass Times

On-Line Mass


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Honoring the Ministry of Mary, as Peacemaker

     Welcome to Santa Maria de la Paz, a Catholic faith community that serves many and welcomes all. We are a parish that has been blessed with a history of outstanding parishioner commitment, investment and involvement. It’s our spiritual home where each lives for the other and all live for God.

     Whether as a current member of our parish family or an individual searching for a parish, we hope and pray that you find this community of faith warm, welcoming and committed to the Gospel of Jesus and His church. Our parish family is encouraged to seek a deeper understanding of what it means to use our time, talents and treasure by serving our church in one or more of our many ministries and by being good stewards. Our parishioner’s presence enriches us and builds up the life of the Church.

     As you glance through our website, you will find the elements of our faith community that we hope will lead you to a deeper relationship with God, engage you in a greater sense of community with others and inspire you to wider service to our sisters and brothers.

     Once again welcome, we are glad to have you with us as we journey together in and with the Lord of life, love and all good and wonderful things as Jesus is our past, present and future.

Daily & Weekend Mass Times


5:00pm (Anointing Mass the 3rd Saturday of each month)


7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am (bilingual), & 5:00pm (LifeTeen)
The 9:30am Sunday Mass is live-streamed on
YouTube; on-screen interpreter for the hearing impaired.


​Daily Mass:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday; 12:15pm
Tuesday (en español); 12:15pm

Friday (during Lent); 6:00pm


Saturday 3:30pm - 4:45pm (Reconciliation Chapel in Main Church)
or by appointment

Eucharistic Adoration:
First Friday of each month (24 hour Adoration beginning at 9:00am)

Children of Mary:

First Saturday of each month Rosary at 9:30am, Mass at 10:00am

Stations of the Cross:
Each Friday during Lent at 5:30pm

Upcoming Events

  • Fri. March 7, 9:00AM: 24-Hour Eucharistic Adoration

  • Mon. March 10 - Mon. April 7, 6:00PM: Catholic Faith Formation II, Part 3: Life in Christ - Morality

    Attention parents and sponsors: attending and participating in these classes will fulfill your Adult Religious Education requirement.

    Mar 10  Human person, community

    Mar 17  Law and grace

    Mar 24 Obligations to God: Commandments 1,2,3

    Mar 31 Life & Family, Sexuality: Commandments 4,5,6 & 9

    Apr 7 Justice Catholic Social Teaching: Commandments 7, 8 & 10


    30-minute presentation of

    Catechism material by Nancy

    Rowland, followed by 45-

    minute discussion and



    Each participant will receive a

    notebook with Catechism

    outlines, prayers, questions for

    reflection, and glossaries.

    Send an email to nancy.r.rowland@gmail.com if you have any questions about the topics, the Catechism, or anything about the class.   

  • Sat. March 15: Fiesta de San Jose, Blessing of the Altar after the 5:00PM Mass

    Join us for the St. Joseph Feast and Altar (Fiesta y Altar de San José). St. Joseph (San José) is a powerful patron. He is, as John Paul II called him, the "Guardian of the Redeemer". He humbly accepted his role as guardian, husband and father in the Holy Family. Therefore, San José’s intercession has been sought for centuries.   

    Food will be served after the blessing of the Altar

  • Sun. March 16, 8:30AM - 11:30AM: Blood Drive

    SMDLP Social Hall. Free breakfast burritos for blood donors, courtesy of the Knights of Columbus.  

    Walk ins are welcome.

    For more information or to schedule a donation, call 877-258-4825or go to vitalant.org

  • Tue. March 18, 2:00PM - 4:00PM: Fun Event for Seniors

    Our Lady of Peace classroom

  • Mon. May 19: 30th Annual Golf Tournament

    Benefitting our parish youth.  Click here for more info.


    • Catholic Daughters of the Americas #2394 Scholarship Opportunity

      Attention High School Seniors! 

      Don’t miss the opportunity to apply for the Fall 2025 Catholic Girl/Boy of the Year Scholarship Award, granted by the Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court 2394, in memory of Lady Chickey Frey and Ricardo Roman Martinez. 

      For more details and an application packet, contact Patricia Martinez at (505)699-6512 or pbmtz35@gmail.com or Renee Cascio at (505)795-4990 or rcasciosfe@gmail.com.  

      You may also click here to download the application packet.

    • Adult Religious Education

      Parents and sponsors who are still in need of fulfilling their Adult Religious Education Requirement may attend the Catholic Faith Formation II, Part 3: Life in Christ - Morality listed above in the Upcoming Events section.

    Give online to the work of the church

    Send us a Message

    Child Safety in our Worship Space

    ATTENTION PARENTS!! The safety of your child is very important to us, therefore your child is NOT ALLOWED to leave the sanctuary during Mass for any reason (i.e. restroom, drink of water) unless accompanied by an adult. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we take every precaution to safeguard our children.

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