Main church building

(Cristo Rey room) 

Weekday Hours:
Regular parish office hours
Weekend Hours: 
Sundays  10:30am - 11:30am


(505) 473-4200 library@smdlp.org

Queen of Peace Library


Welcome to the web page for the Queen of Peace Library housed at Santa Maria de la Paz Catholic Community in Santa Fe. We invite you to visit the library, either its physical location or its online offerings, and to explore its wide range of faith formation resources.


You are welcome to browse the list of the library’s physical and digital holdings at




You don’t need a library card and you don’t need to sign in to browse the library digitally.


You are also welcome to browse the physical bookshelves located at Santa Maria de la Paz. You don’t need a library card and you don’t need to sign in to browse the library shelves. The library is open all week during regular church office hours and on Sundays between the morning Masses (beginning in June 2023).


General information

The Queen of Peace Library allows persons to borrow books, i.e., take the book home or download it temporarily. The person who borrows the book must register before a book can be taken from the library and then must return the book by a certain date.


Our benefactor

The Catholic Foundation provided generous grants to upgrade our library at Santa Maria de la Paz from an old Dewey Decimal based card catalog system to the archdiocesan online software catalog. The Catholic Foundation continues to support the library with grant funds to purchase new books, both physical books and ebooks, as well as software support and specialized library supplies. We are grateful for their support which has enabled us to make our library resources more easily accessible and available to parishioners and to the entire archdiocese.


Mission Statement

The Queen of Peace Library is a faith formation resource available to our parishioners and to the entire archdiocese. The mission of the library is to support lifelong reading, learning, and exploring the riches of our Catholic faith.

Library Volunteer Team

The Library Volunteer Team supports the operations and outreach of our Queen of Peace Library. Our team members catalog new books, select books of interest for events throughout the year, assist patrons to find and check out books, provide library orientation to new patrons, and maintain the library and the book collection. Not all team members perform all tasks; training is provided. For more information about volunteering contact the Library Lead Volunteer Nancy Rowland via email library@smdlp.org or by calling the church office 505-473-4200.


Celebrating Family Month, May 12 to June 16

The Ulma family was martyred in Poland for helping Jews during World War II. Click here for an information flyer.

Missing Library Books
There are about 20 books missing from the library. These are books that are not on the shelves and, according to the online catalog, have not been checked out. Where are these books? Do you have any of them and perhaps forgot to return them? Please take a look at the
missing books flyer and see if any of the titles or cover images match books you may have. If you find any of these books, please put them in the RETURN BOOKS HERE box near the door of the library. Thank you!

Saint Club
Every Sunday morning after the 9:30 a.m. Mass, come and take part in our family Saint Club. Each month we focus on a different saint. Come get a flyer and learn about the saint’s life, check out a book about the saint, and pick up a take-home activity kit. Try to meet some of the saintly challenges during the week and come back the next Sunday to share your successes.

If you can’t join us in the library, the monthly Saint Club flyers can be downloaded in English or Spanish. Saint Club activity kits are available to pick up in the library any time during the month.




Book Lists

Lists of selected and recommended books have been prepared by Queen of Peace volunteer librarians. The online lists have live links to each book in the online catalog, so you can get more information, reserve the physical book for pickup, or go to the ebook to borrow it. Paper copies of the lists are available in the library.

You can request a list for an additional topic of interest to you by sending an email to library@smdlp.org.


Library Open Sundays
The library is open every Sunday morning 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. You are welcome to visit the library after the 9:30 a.m. Mass or before the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Things you can do:

  • Browse the new books in the blue display near the door.
  • Check out the monthly special books display.
  • Learn about the saint of the month, pick up a flyer and activity kit, share your stories.
  • Ask the librarian to help you find a recommended book, or find a recommended book from one of our book lists.
  • Take a free book from the blue book truck.


Library Card/Patron Account

Patrons must have a “library card,” i.e. a patron account, to check out physical books or ebooks from the Queen of Peace Library. Note: You can browse the online catalog without an account or without logging in.


       There are three ways to register for a library card:


  1. On this website. Fill out the New Library Patron form on this website. A librarian will process the form to create your account and send you a confirmation email.
  2. With the online catalog. Go to the online catalog. In the upper right box click “Log On” and then “Start Here”. Fill out the form that comes up and clock on "Submit". A librarian will process the form to create your account and send you a confirmation email.
  3. On paper in the library. Fill out a new patron registration form in the library. The forms are on the small table near the door. If there is no librarian present to process your form at the time, please leave the completed form in the library on the computer table. If you provide an email address you will receive confirmation that your account has been set up.


Children under the age of 13 need a parent’s or guardian’s signature to establish an account. Unless otherwise specified, a child account will be set up with the same email as the parent and a unique username.

If you log into the online catalog with your patron username and password, you can review item due dates, renew items, browse the entire catalog, reserve books, access the ebook collection, suggest new book purchases, and more.

Reserve a Physical Book for Pickup

If you find a book by searching the online catalog, you can reserve it for pick-up at the Santa Maria de la Paz front desk. This applies for books that are marked “IN (at Queen of Peace - Santa Fe)” in the upper right of the book title display.

To reserve the book, click on the book's image to display the "Full Details" popup. Click on the "Holdings" tab, then click on the button labeled "Reserve". On the next display, you may add a comment if desired. Then click on "OK" and you will see a confirmation.


Soon after you reserve the book online, a librarian will pull the book from our shelves, check it out to your patron account, put a printout of the checkout identifying you as the borrower, send you a confirming email, and leave the book at the front desk. You have five working days from the date of the confirming email to pick up your book. After that the book will be checked in and returned to the shelf.


All policies for reserved books are the same as for all physical books.


Checkout Procedures

In the library, a Library Volunteer will check out any physical books you want to borrow from the library by scanning the book barcodes into your account.


If a Library Volunteer is not present, you can borrow a physical book by filling out the self-checkout form near the library door and then taking the books with you. You must write your name and contact info on the form and copy the book barcode(s) into the form (barcodes are on the BACK TOP LEFT of books) so that we know what books were taken. Later, a Library Volunteer will enter the barcodes into your account online. If you do not have an account, you also need to fill out a “new patron” form and leave it on the checkout table.


Reserved books that you pick up at the front desk have already been checked out to your patron account.


For ebooks, borrowing is done online. These books are checked out to your account


Loan Periods and Item Limits

  • Loan Period is 30 days for physical books, 21 days for ebooks
  • Item Limit is 20 physical books, 6 ebooks


Overdue Policy

The library does not charge fines for overdue items. The library works to serve our patrons. When materials are long overdue, the items are not available for other patrons to check out. The library does not have a large enough budget to be able to purchase extra copies of items that are long overdue. We appreciate you working with us to get books and other materials back in a timely manner. When your items are overdue, you will be contacted by a library volunteer to request that you either return the books or renew them.


Ebooks are automatically returned when they are due, so they are never overdue!



Both physical books and ebooks can be renewed up to two times. Items with holds (other patrons waiting) cannot be renewed.



Physical books may be returned by putting them in the box located in the library. We do not have book drops for returns after-hours. We do not accept returns for other libraries.


Ebooks are returned automatically when the loan period expires, or you can opt to return the ebook early.


Lost or Damaged Items

Please see a Library Volunteer in the Library.


 Online catalog

All items in the entire archdiocesan library – including physical books, DVDs, CDs, ebooks, audio books, streaming videos – are cataloged at




In the online catalog you can search by keyword, title, author, subject, series and more. Search results will list all types of items available physically at the archdiocesan libraries located in Clovis, Raton, or Santa Fe as well as online offerings. You can then filter the search results list to include only those that are held physically at any location or those that are online.

Digital Library

Use the Libby app to access the archdiocesan digital library of e-books, audio books and streaming videos. Libby available on all devices including your iphone, android, or your computer. Download the app from your app store on your phone or tablet, or go to https://libbyapp.com on your computer.


Libby provides some helpful information pages:

            Getting started with Libby 

            What is Libby?

 When you open the Libby app for the first time, answer its prompts as follows:

  • Do you have a library card? Answer: Yes
  • Search for a library. Start typing "archdiocese of santa fe" and it will come up, then tap on it to select.
  • Sign in with my card. Enter your username (set up when you registered as a patron).
  • PIN. Enter the password for your library account.
  • Click on the library icon to see what's available in our library.


Use the search icon in Libby to search for a digital book or video. Borrow a book or read a sample by clicking on the labeled boxes in the app.


You can read a book, listen to it, or watch a video with Libby or you can download it to your personal device, depending on the item.


Current books

As of mid-2023 the Queen of Peace library has more than 3,500 physical books available for borrowing. Our collection is comprised of books related to Catholic faith formation and related topics. Books that are outside of this focus have been weeded out during the upgrade process.


Categories of books

The library has books in the following 17 main categories:

  • Biographies
  • Christology
  • Catholic Church
  • Faith Formation
  • Liturgy and Sacraments
  • Mariology
  • Morality
  • Official Church Teaching
  • Pastoral Ministry
  • Philosophy
  • Religious Art & Literature
  • Science & Religion
  • Sacred Scripture
  • Spiritual Life
  • Theology
  • World Religions
  • Reference

Full list of categories (single page)

Full list of key words for each category (four pages)


Paper copies of all of these lists are available in the library.


New books

The blue box display at the library entrance holds a selection of physical books most recently acquired by the library. New ebooks are featured in a special display in the Libby app online.


All new books were specially selected for our library from the suggestions and recommendations of parish clergy and staff, parishioners, and library volunteers.


We continue to purchase new books continue for the library through funding provided by the Catholic Foundation grants. We are adding books throughout the year. You are invited to come visit the library and check them out or see what’s new in ebooks via the app. We welcome new book suggestions: please see the FAQ for how to do this.


What if the library does not own a book I want?

The library accepts suggestions of published works for new purchases. You can submit a new physical book or ebook suggestion in various ways:

  1. Write your suggestion on the list that is available in the library.
  2. Fill out our library's online suggestion form.
  3. Give the book information to a Library Volunteer or write it on the suggestion form on the library table.
  4. Click on the "Suggest" button in the upper right box on the online catalog home page.


Suggested book titles and authors are great, but even subject areas for the type of books desired would be helpful.


Does the library accept book donations?

The library gratefully accepts gifts of religious new or used books that are appropriate for our library. The library does not accept the following:


  • Dirty, shabby, soiled, moldy, water-damaged, or animal-damaged books
  • Books that are ripped, torn, or with excessive marking


We can only accept clean, sell-able books and media. Please recycle worn books and media. 

Can I volunteer at the library?

Yes - If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Nancy Rowland via email: library@smdlp.org or call the front desk. (505) 473-4200. Training is provided.


PLEASE NOTE: As per archdiocese policy, all volunteers in any ministry must be certified in the Safe Environment Training every five years. Click on the link to the training to access the training on-line. Safe Environment Training.

How are we doing?

Questions or comments or feedback about any aspect of the library are welcome at any time. Please contact any Library Volunteer or send an email to library@smdlp.org.

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