Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
On the first Friday of each month, we spend 24 hours in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, inviting our parishioners to select one hour for personal prayer and quiet reflection. Contact Deacon Eloy Gallegos at (505) 473-4200.
Adult Confirmation Team
This team of active adult Catholics prepare and present classes in the fall to other Catholic adults for reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Team members are urged to become certified as Catechists through the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Contact Bernadette Bach at (505) 629-4211 or
Annulment Support Group
This committee of interested parishioners serve as support for anyone considering or already in the process of filing for nullity of marriage. Contact Bernadette Bach at (505) 629-4211 or
Cancer Support Group
If you have been diagnosed with cancer, we have a support group who meet the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month from 1:30 pm to 2:45 pm. We are people like you, currently in chemo/radiation or survivors. Even if you are in remission, this group can help bring about healing on all the levels that cancer can affect your life. This group can help bring perspective to what you are going through or what you have experienced. Gratitude seems to be the overwhelming feeling of the group, believe it or not! E-Mail Vanessa Madera at for more info.
Catholic Daughters
From its inception in 1903, Catholic Daughters has grown into the largest organization of Catholic women in America. Catholic Daughters engages in programs to provide its members with the opportunity to positively impact people throughout the world. This group helps our community with social activities and fundraisers. For more information contact Regent: Margaret Duran at (505) 473-4200.
Children of Mary
Children of Mary encourages the desire to live a good Christian life and fulfill Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan. We gather every First Saturday of the month at 9:30 am to pray the rosary. Confession is available to those who desire it while the rosary is prayed. Mass is celebrated at 10:00 am. This ministry is open to all ages.
Finance Council
The Parish Finance Council is an advisory council to the Pastor in all financial matters of the parish. They are responsible for preparation, review and publication of the annual Parish budget. They meet monthly to review the budget and make recommendations for the financial needs of the parish. For information contact Tommy Martinez, Finance Director at (505) 473-4200.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights Of Columbus is a Catholic Men's Organization and insurance program dedicated to Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. They are dedicated soldiers of the faith who protect and defend the ideals of our Church, our Priests, and our families. The Santa Maria de La Paz Knights of Columbus Council #10517 meets on the first Thursday of the month. For more information on the Knights of Columbus visit, or Nuestra Senora del Rosario Council 10517. If you are a practical Catholic and would like to join, contact Bob Wolf, Grand Knight at
Library Volunteers
The Library Volunteer Team supports the operations and outreach of our Queen of Peace Library, located in the main church building. The library is a faith formation resource available to our parishioners and to the entire archdiocese. Our team members catalog new books, select books of interest for events throughout the year, assist patrons to find and check out books, provide library orientation to new patrons, and maintain the library and book collection. Not all volunteers perform all tasks; training is provided. For information contact Nancy Rowland via email or call the parish office.
Marriage Preparation
Sponsor Couples
Are you happily married? Do you have a sense of humor and compassion? Can you listen? These are the attributes we need from our Sponsor Couples in the parish. The Sponsor Couple ministry is a couple-to-couple approach that is meeting basic pastoral needs for engaged couples. These couples offer our Engaged Couples a five-session course on marriage. Each couple usually sponsors two or three engaged couples each year. If you are interested in this ministry, call Eddie & Alice Gallegos at (505) 471-6494.
Marriage Rehearsal Teams
Teams are needed who are willing to conduct the marriage rehearsal for our engaged couples and minister at the wedding the next day. Contact Steve and Judy Long at (505) 471-0863.
Peace and Social Justice
The purpose of the Peace & Social Justice Committee is to allocate funds from the Parish tithe to various organizations that serve the needs of our community. The committee chair is Petra Jimenez Maes at (505) 473-4200.
RCIA Team members are active Catholic adults who prepare and present class sessions to adults who are becoming Catholic or are completing their initiation Sacraments. Team members serve as Catechists, discussion facilitators, refreshment coordinators, and more. Team members are urged to become certified as Catechists through the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Contact Bernadette Bach at (505) 629-4211 or
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The SMDLP Prayer Shawl Ministry gathers the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 10:00 am to pray as they create hand-knitted and crocheted shawls for those in need. Shawls are given to sick or grieving parishioners as a source of comfort and healing. Contact Vanessa Madera at (505) 473-4200 for more information.
8:00am - 12:00pm
1:00pm - 4:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm