Liturgical ministers participate in the service of Santa Maria de la Paz during the Mass and also through "behind the scenes" preparation and planning for the Mass or other Liturgical celebrations. The word "liturgy" comes from a Greek word, liturgia, meaning "the work of the people". The work of the people and contributions of liturgical ministers enrich our celebrations and assist us in our prayer. Serving in one of the Liturgical Ministries is an excellent opportunity to fulfill your baptismal call of service to our Lord and to one another.
---Brenda Weimer, Parish Ministry Director - Liturgy
At Santa Maria de la Paz, Liturgical Ministries include:
Alb Cleaning
The Alb Cleaning Ministry is a group of dedicated volunteers who launder the Albs (full-length white vestment worn by the Altar Servers and Cross Bearers) and keep them presentable as they are worn at the altar of our Lord. This ministry is time-flexible and is performed at home; ideally this would be on a 6 - 10 week rotation. For more information contact Valerie Alarid at (505) 660-6481.
Altar Servers & Cross Bearers
Altar Servers offer service to God and the community by assisting the priest during Mass. Assisting the presiding priest on the Altar is a wonderful way to learn about and participate in the Mass. The ministry is open to youth (male or female) of the parish who have made their First Communion and whose parents believe they are ready and responsible enough to be trained. Adults are also welcome and encouraged to serve. Training in the specifics of the ministry is provided. For more information contact Brenda Weimer at (505) 629-4741.
Art and Environment
This team works behind the scenes to transform and bring beauty to our worship space for the liturgical seasons by decorating the church, San Jose Chapel and the gathering space. For more information contact Lillie Sandoval at (505) 438-0426 or Pearl Bransford at (505) 471-2871.
Cookie Ministry
The Cookie Ministry provides delicious “home-made” cookies for various special occasions and celebrations including the RCIA reception and the annual anniversary reception. For more information contact Brenda Weimer at
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are the laity in the church who assist with the distribution of The Blessed Sacrament. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion may serve at any Mass they attend and are assigned on a rotating schedule. Training in the specifics of the ministry is provided. For more information contact Lydia Romero at (505) 473-4200.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Homebound
Share our pastoral outreach to those who are sick and homebound, bringing them communion. For more information contact Deacon Eloy Gallegos at (505) 473-4200.
Lectors proclaim the Word of the Lord during the Liturgy. A lector should have a passion for Scripture and sufficient public speaking skills to proclaim the Word to the assembly. Training in the specifics of the ministry is provided. Lectors are assigned on a rotating schedule. For more information contact Stephanie Roybal at (505) 629-8848.
Liturgical Linen Care
Wash and iron the sacred linens used for the celebration of the Mass and Eucharistic services. For more information contact Valerie Alarid at (505) 660-6481.
Mass Assistants
The Mass Assistant Ministry came about as a result of the pandemic and the re-opening of the church for worshiping in mid- 2020. The Mass Assistant duties are currently a combination of the Mayordomos, Mass Coordinators and Altar Servers. This ministry prepares the church for Liturgical celebrations (such as setting the altar, credence table, and offertory table, lighting candles, etc.) as well as assists the presiding priest during Mass. This is an ideal role for parents who want to participate with their children who are (or can become) Altar Servers. Training in the specifics of the ministry is provided. Contact Brenda Weimer at (505) 629-4741 for more information.
Ministers of Hospitality
Ministers welcome the community and help them feel comfortable in the worshipping environment. Their role includes welcoming people, ushering people to available seats if necessary, assisting with the communion procession flow and distributing bulletins following Mass. Adults and families are welcome to serve. Training is provided. For more information contact Gary Cascio at (505) 473-4200.
Music Ministers
The Music Ministry provides music for all of our weekend liturgies. At Santa Maria de la Paz, we have several seasonal choirs in addition to our Bilingual & Spanish Sunday Choirs. We welcome singers and instrumentalists to join the choir for the Mass they usually attend. For more information contact Brenda Weimer at (505) 629-4741.
Sanctuary Angels
The Sanctuary Angels Ministry is a “behind the scenes” ministry that performs “light” housekeeping in the church, gathering space and San Jose chapel. Teams are scheduled on a rotating basis. For more information contact Miguel Rodriguez at (505) 920-1563.
8:00am - 12:00pm
1:00pm - 4:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm