Sr. Theresa Gleeson was a dedicated staff member of Santa Maria de la Paz. She was committed to the youth of the parish while working in the Youth Ministry. Sr. Theresa continues her work in parish ministries elsewhere and is honored by SMDLP parishioners for her dedication by this annual scholarship available to graduating seniors. Read more about Sr. Theresa Gleeson below.
To apply, download the scholarship APPLICATION. The complete application packet must be submitted in a sealed manila envelope addressed to:
ATTENTION: Parish Scholarship Review Committee
The application packet must be received by the church parish office no later than 12:00PM Friday, May 10, 2024.
Sister Theresa Gleeson, BVM, came to SMDLP in late summer of 1990. (The parish was founded in January 1990.) When the parish was first started we used borrowed facilities at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and rented the gym of Pinon Elementary School to hold church services. As a newly created parish, the BVM Motherhouse sent Sister Theresa to SMDLP to help us get established.
Sr. Theresa was one of the first staff members of SMDLP, was involved with the formation of the parish, and in our subsequent move to the current SMDLP church building. She was primarily responsible for the RCIA program and she formed the SMDLP Youth Group. Additionally, she worked with the Youth Religious Education Program and took on many sundry duties that came about as the Parish and its ministries were developing. Sister Theresa Gleeson was reassigned and left SMDLP in the summer of 1995. She was very effective in her role and made an amazing impact on our parish community. In order to honor her outstanding achievements at the parish it was announced, during a farewell Mass for Sister Theresa, that the existing SMDLP Golf Tournament would assume her name to acknowledge her dedication in working with and for the youth of our parish. Sister Theresa is now retired and living in her Motherhouse.